The ERTMS coordinators of different member states m
eet every four months to discuss progress and challenges. On the 9th and 10th of October, the first official European ERTMS Forum took place in the Netherlands under the revised TEN-T Regulation.
The focus of day 1 was on discussing the latest developments and looking ahead to the next steps in the realization of ERTMS in the various member states. Led by the European ERTMS coordinator Matthias Ruete, this day provided not only a platform for professional discussions but also space for informal conversations to discuss the developments and build relationships.
The second day was hosted by the Dutch ERTMS program in Amersfoort. The day was dedicated to sharing lessons and highlighting the progress made in the Netherlands. The ERTMS Program Manager from the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, Paul Bolt, and the ERTMS Program Director Gerard Scheffrahn provided an overview of the Dutch ERTMS program. Subsequently, NS outlined the challenges around the logistics of training train drivers and emphasized its role in the deployment.
Finally, three concrete challenges were presented. In May, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management sent a letter to the European Commission regarding these three concrete challenges: high costs, frequent new ERTMS specifications, and the lack of a legal basis for data sharing. The ERTMS forum provided a unique opportunity to share experiences on these matters with other member states and the European ERTMS coordinator in a constructive and open dialogue. It was evident from the discussions that several countries recognized these challenges.
The day concluded with an interactive session at the Rail Center, where colleagues from ProRail, NS, and the ERTMS Program Directorate led various break-out sessions. These sessions highlighted the evolution from the current Class B system ATB to the innovations of 5G, setting a solid foundation for further discussions on the challenges of ERTMS deployment.
We look back on two successful days. The sounds of recognition in the room confirmed the success of this meeting, which encourages the necessary innovation and dialogue where we exchange knowledge and experiences in the railway sector.